Word Bearers: The Omnibus

Word BearersThe Word Bearers are among the most feared and reviled of all Chaos Space Marines. Fierce warriors with a fanatical religious zeal, they blaze across the galaxy in service of their dark gods. Worlds will burn, and entire civilizations will fall before the fury of the XVIIth Legion.

“The Corpse Emperor sits on his throne on Terra still, Warmonger,’ said Marduk bitterly,’but his end draws ever nearer.’

– Marduk, First Acolyte, 34th Host, XVII Legion Word Bearers

TITLE: Word Bearers: The Omnibus
AUTHOR: Anthony Reynolds
GENRE: War // Quest
TIME PERIOD: [unspecified].M41
Being the Omnibus binding together the Word Bearers Trilogy


Dark Creed

Dark CreedDark Apostle Marduk faces challenges from within his own Legion as he wages war with the White Consuls. Harnessing the power of the Nexus Arrangement, a powerful Necron device, Marduk can turn the tide in the Word Bearer’s favour. But just as the White Consuls are on the verge of defeat, an old enemy returns to throw the entire dark crusade into ruin. If Marduk is to survive and fulfil his ambition, he must defy an onslaught from the necrons, White Consuls and his own Legion.
“‘They are Chaos Space Marines Aquilius,’ said the Chapter Master. ‘And there might be as many as fifteen thousand of them. Even by conservative estimates, there will be at least five, six thousand. Imagine it. That is the same as five or six loyal Chapters descending in their entirety upon one world. Nothing could stand against that – not five billion Guardsmen, not even ten. We need Astartes to fight them, and we ourselves number less than three hundred.’

– Chapter Master Titus Valens, White Consuls Space Marine Chapter

TITLE: Dark Creed
AUTHOR: Anthony Reynolds
GENRE: Conspiracy / War
TIME PERIOD: [unspecified].M41
Being the Third Novel of the Word Bearers Trilogy


Dark Disciple

Dark DiscipleEver driven by his lust for power, Marduk, aspiring Dark Apostle of the Word Bearers Chaos Space Marine Legion, strives to unlock the secrets of an ancient and deadly artefact. This quest throws him and the Word Bearers into a deadly warzone and a desperate battle between their Imperial enemies, the alien tyranids and a third faction as sadistic as it is mysterious. Surrounded by foes, this could be Marduk’s sternest test yet.

‘The xenos will have commenced their invasion before we are back on the surface,’ said Kol Badar

‘Explain to me how that changes anything?’ snapped Marduk, losing patience. ‘If they get in our way, we kill them. It is not complicated.’

– First Acolyte Marduk, in conversation with his Coryphaus

TITLE: Dark Disciple
AUTHOR: Anthony Reynolds
GENRE: Quest
TIME PERIOD: [unspecified].M41
Being the Second Book of the Word Bearers Trilogy


Dark Apostle

Dark ApostleDriven on by dark visions, Dark Apostle Jarulek of the Word Bearers Chaos Space Marine legion and his force lay waste to the imperial planet of Tanakreg. After brutally enslaving the population, they set them to work building a monstrous tower. But what is the Word Bearers’ vile purpose, and can they achieve it before the Imperial forces arrive to reclaim the planet?


‘It must be complete for the alignment. When the red planet is high, the Daemonschage will toll, signalling the death of this planet, and a great treasure will be revealed, a treasure that will be unlocked by the Enslaved.’

– Dark Apostle Jarulek, 34th Host, Word Bearers Legion

TITLE: Dark Apostle
AUTHOR: Anthony Reynolds
TIME PERIOD: [unspecified].M41
Being the First Book of the Word Bearers Trilogy